martes, 11 de febrero de 2025




// Create a connection to the database

$mysqli = new mysqli("localhost", "my_user", "my_password", "world");

// Check for connection errors

if ($mysqli->connect_error) {

    die("Connection failed: " . $mysqli->connect_error);


// Check if table exists before creating it

if ($mysqli->query("SHOW TABLES LIKE 'myCity'")->num_rows == 0) {

    // If the table doesn't exist, create it by duplicating the structure of the 'City' table

    if (!$mysqli->query("CREATE TABLE myCity LIKE City")) {

        die("Error creating table: " . $mysqli->error);


} else {

    echo "Table 'myCity' already exists.\n";


// Insert a new record into 'myCity'

$query = "INSERT INTO myCity (ID, Name, CountryCode, District, Population) VALUES (NULL, 'Stuttgart', 'DEU', 'Stuttgart', 617000)";

if ($mysqli->query($query)) {

    printf("New record has ID %d.\n", $mysqli->insert_id);

} else {

    echo "Error inserting record: " . $mysqli->error;


// Close the connection



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