domingo, 26 de agosto de 2018

Export Data from MySQL to CSV Using PHP

Export Data from MySQL to CSV Using PHP
Written by Yogesh Koli
Export MySQL data to CSV
A step-by-step guide to export data to CSV from MySQL using PHP
It is a basic task for any application that needs a reporting feature to CSV; here I am going to explain how to generate a CSV file from the MySQL records.
Let’s get started:

Step 1 – Create Sample Database and Required Table along with the data:

Create Database table with sample records, here I am going to use a users table, which is going to have users details, go ahead and use following SQL statements to create table and insert the records. (Note: you can skip this step if you have your existing database tables)
IMAGE : Users Table Structure
Users Table Structure
Existing records from mysql database
Existing Mysql Records to Export

Step 2 Create PHP to MySQL Database Connection Script:

Create Database configuration file, which is going help us to connect to MySQL from PHP file.

Step 3 – Add Sample Index Page to List out the Records:

Create index.php file and list records.


Step 4- Exporting MySQL Data to CSV file PHP Script:

Create export.php file to export data from Mysql to CSV.
Click OK to export the data to CSV and your file get’s downloaded

If you check download file, you get records listed, as showing below:
Records from CSV files
Records from CSV files
We are done, you can download the complete source for reference use following links to download or checkout live demo.

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