sábado, 22 de agosto de 2015

Imprimiendo foto de perfil de FB


echo "<img src=//graph.facebook.com/100000533296894/picture?type=large>";


To show:

50x50 pixels

<img src="//graph.facebook.com/{{fid}}/picture">

200 pixels width

<img src="//graph.facebook.com/{{fid}}/picture?type=large">

To save (using PHP)

NOTE: Don't use this. See @Foreever's comment below.
$img = file_get_contents('https://graph.facebook.com/'.$fid.'/picture?type=large');
$file = dirname(__file__).'/avatar/'.$fid.'.jpg';
file_put_contents($file, $img);
Where $fid is your user id (or nickname) on Facebook..
NOTE: In case of images marked as "18+" you will need a valid access_token from a 18+ user:
<img src="//graph.facebook.com/{{fid}}/picture?access_token={{access_token}}">

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