function calculate_time_difference($datetime_str) {
// Split the input string into date and time components
$datetime_parts = explode(' ', $datetime_str);
// Extract the date and time
$date_parts = explode('-', $datetime_parts[0]);
$time_parts = explode(':', $datetime_parts[1]);
// Normalize the date and time into integers for mktime
$year = (int)$date_parts[0];
$month = (int)$date_parts[1];
$day = (int)$date_parts[2];
$hour = (int)$time_parts[0];
$minute = (int)$time_parts[1];
$second = (int)$time_parts[2];
// Create the target time using mktime
$target_time = mktime($hour, $minute, $second, $month, $day, $year);
// Get the current time
$current_time = time();
// Calculate the difference in seconds
$diff = $current_time - $target_time;
// Convert seconds into minutes and seconds
$minutes = floor($diff / 60);
$seconds = $diff % 60;
// Output the difference in "minutes:seconds" format
echo "$minutes:$seconds\n";
// Output the current date and time
echo date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
// Example usage: Pass a date string in the "Y-m-d H:i:s" format
$datetime_str = "2024-10-20 01:45:16";